Andrea CappellettiinAkka-ScalaAkka: monitor your applications with Lightbend Telemetry, Prometheus and Grafana DashboardMe and Dr Mark Grechanik are currently working on a research project with Akka Actor and we are exploring different ways to monitor an…Apr 18, 20222Apr 18, 20222
Andrea CappellettiinAkka-ScalaScala 3: create an sbt project with subprojects and build the fat jarIn this article, we will see how to create a Scala 3 project with multiple subprojects. First, we will see how to configure the…Feb 11, 20222Feb 11, 20222
Andrea CappellettiinAkka-ScalaScala 3+ with Akka is it really possible?In this article we are going to see how to use Scala 3 with Akka.Jan 14, 20221Jan 14, 20221
Andrea CappellettiinSorting AlgorithmsIntroduction to Merge Sort Algorithm: why is it so efficient?The Merge Sort is one of the most efficient sorting algorithms. It is based on the divide and conquer method. In this article, I am going…Jan 25, 2021Jan 25, 2021